Spirit of the Ghan by Judy Nunn spans over 100 years and contact the present with the past, a melding of historical fiction and contemporary fiction. While at most enjoyed the book, it sparked a varied conversation about some of the hot topics touched upon with the book.
There were many different points of view spoken about S
pirit of the Ghan by Judy Nunn. The most consistent view was that the book seem to be disjointed in it's storytelling, having too many jump points along the many varied timelines. Also that the Judy Nunn told a story of soft political correctness and not of the harsh realities that effected many indigenous people of Australia, readers felt that some of the story was irrelevant while others did not delve deeper.
But all in all the
Spirit of the Ghan was a light enjoyable read. As to whether this novel would encourage members to read more or reread some of Judy Nunn's book it would remain to be seen.