Monday, 24 February 2014

Between the Lines Book Club ready to meet this Thursday at Gordon White Library!

Just a reminder that this week is Between the Lines Book Club week! We meet at 6 pm on Thursday 27 February at Gordon White Library, Mt Pleasant.

How is everyone going with March and The Lemon Table? At least both of these novels are far lighter than The Luminaries. Hopefully we will be cyclone-free this Thursday and be able to get our monthly book club fix.

As our last book club meeting was rained out by Cyclone Dylan's proximity, we'll spend some time this meeting discussing our impressions of The Luminaries as well our two February titles. We should have a lot to discuss!

If you have not got around to reading any of these titles and you are keen to join our group of avid readers, please come along and join in. We are a friendly group eager to chat with and listen to others with a reading passion.

Keep those pages turning! It's exercise for mind, body and soul!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

February book choices information

Hello folks,

It was very disappointing to miss on our first book club discussion for the year, especially after persisting through such a thick volume! Falling branches and palm fronds,  a gusty wind and heavy rain with an unpredictable Cyclone Dylan thrown into the mix seemed to be sufficient reason to cancel book club so people could stay off the roads and be home where they could ensure adequate preparation.

At our last meeting we decided to read the last two books borrowed from Townsville Libraries; March by Geraldine Brooks and The Lemon Table by Julian Barnes.


March purports to tell the story of the father who was an absent character in Louisa May Alcott's classic Little Women. This is what one reviewer had to say about the book. Other reviewers had these comments.

The Lemon Table is a collection of short stories about aging by Julian Barnes. They certainly blow any aged stereotypes out of the water. I am interested in why Julian Barnes gave this particular collection of stories this title. Hopefully by the time I've finished it, I'll have a better idea.

This is what Frank Kermode (interesting reviewer's name especially for this topic??) had to say.

Just drop in to Gordon White Library to collect your copies for our next discussion which all being well, will be at 6 pm, Thursday 27 February at Gordon White Library. You'll find these novels a little easier on the biceps!

Happy reading!